LandShark -- Powered By TriMin

If you are interested in using LandShark within your office, you can obtain an Agreement by contacting the Todd County Recorder at 320-732-4428 or the Agreement is available from the Recorder’s webpage from the county's website under "Applications and Forms". We would gladly assist you in getting signed up today.


Online with Credit Card:  You can now purchase copies of documents through LandShark by paying with a Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover credit card.  This option is offered through TriMin Systems.  In addition to the Todd County Recorder’s office fee of $2.00 per document, there is a convenience fee of $5.00 per session, which goes directly to TriMin Systems.


Welcome to Todd County’s LandShark software! 
 If you are searching the paper tracts and a Lot/Block appears to be missing on a certain plat - keep scrolling through the entries for that plat because they might be located at the end of the plat entries for that specific plat.

Book Abbreviation Key:       
AS - Associations
DE - Deeds
LI  - Liens
MI - Miscellaneous
MO - Mortgages
OA - Old Age Asst Lien
PA - Power Attorney
PR             - Probate

Please be aware that the TORRENS DIVISION within LandShark is very incomplete - you must use the paper tract books and grantor/grantee for old torrens entries.  Please feel free to call the office for a better explanation. 320-732-4428.


Please Log In to LandShark to access the search functions. If you do not have an account, click here to Register.

Version: 4.3.43